Places that are Elsewhere: Organized by Diana Thater

There are times when the great outdoors shrinks phenomenologically to the scale of a prison, and times when the indoors expands to the scale of the universe.
–Robert Smithson. "The Spiral Jetty"

On Saturday, December 13th, the gallery will open with a group exhibition of slide, film, and video projections. Places that are Elsewhere concentrates the viewer's attention on individual projection works that expand the physical space of the gallery and fill it with images of a distant and vastly shrunken image of the world outside. The exhibition is centered around a slide projection from 1979 by Peter Campus and the 1971 film Swamp by Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt (shown as a video in this exhibition). These artists have exerted a profound influence over succeeding generations and thus, the exhibition will bring together these works, as well as pieces by younger artists.

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December 13, 1997January 17, 1998
Diana Thater
Jessica Bronson, Peter Campus, Sam Durant with Andrea Bowers, T. Kelly Mason, Katy Schimert, Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt, Christopher Williams

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