Opening on Saturday, January 31, on the occasion of our fifth-year anniversary, David Zwirner will take the opportunity to bring together a group show of gallery artists.

Stan Douglas will present four new photographs relating to his next project, "Win, Place, or Show", a video installation that is concerned with the effects of urban renewal and the influence of television as a socializing agent. Stan Douglas is currently producing this installation in Vancouver, Canada. It will premier later this spring in Salzburg, Austria. Another new work, entitled "Three Projects for Detroit" will be seen later this fall at the DIA Center for the Arts in New York.

"Untitled (theatre seats)" by Toba Khedoori is a smaller study for a large work of the same title, which is currently on view at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. as part of her one-person exhibition. The work, which will be on view at the gallery is also featured in the current issue of "Parkett" magazine.

John McCracken will create a two-part large-scale freestanding sculpture made specifically for this exhibition. The diptych, a red and black monolith, will be his largest work shown in the gallery to date.

Jason Rhoades will present a new sculpture, "Five Year Watch". The work, which is subtitled "the dynamic of relationships" reflects on the connections between the artist, the dealer, the work of art, and its owner.

Katy Schimert will preview drawings relating to a new body of work, which will be presented in its entirety in her first one-person show at David Zwirner in May.

Two new works for video monitors entitled, "Shimmer" and "Foam" by Diana Thater will premier. These new pieces relate to an installation, "Nature is a language, can't you read?" which was on view at the Walker Art Center last year. Diana Thater is also preparing a new piece which will be shown at the Museum of Modern Art this fall.

After two exhibitions of paintings, the gallery will exhibit for the first time, works on paper by Luc Tuymans. His paintings and drawings investigate the limits of representation and the limits of the image. The artist is preparing an exhibition of new paintings for the fall of 1998.

Franz West has created four sculptures and two works on paper specifically for our anniversary exhibition. The artist's work was recently on view in New York at the Museum of Modern Art this past fall.

Exhibition Checklist

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