An installation view of the exhibition Jason Rhoades: PeaRoeFoam. The Impetuous Process & from the Costner Complex, at David Zwirner New York, dated 2002.
An installation view of the exhibition Jason Rhoades: PeaRoeFoam. The Impetuous Process & from the Costner Complex, at David Zwirner New York, dated 2002.

Jason Rhoades: PeaRoeFoam. The Impetuous Process & from the Costner Complex

Opening on Friday May 10, the gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of new works by the American artist Jason Rhoades. Entitled PeaRoeFoam. The Impetuous Process & from the Costner Complex, this will be the artist's fourth solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition will bring together elements from the artist's last project entitled Costner Complex (Perfect Process) that was shown last year at the Portikus in Frankfurt, and his most recent project entitled The Impetuous Process, which will premier at the gallery.

As the title of the exhibition implies, Jason Rhoades' work is fundamentally not finite, but instead continuously connects one project and exhibition to the next in an ongoing process. As different as all of Jason Rhoades' projects might seem and are in their physical manifestation, they are still connected through a set of common concerns that thread themselves through Rhoades' entire body of work to date: his attempt to map out the conditions in which art can be made, and the subversion of any conventions that stand in the way of the production of art. Rhoades is on a mission to empower the artist. One of visual art's most basic premises, i.e. the completion of the work of art, is under constant attack by Rhoades: "If you know anything about my work you know that it is never finished".

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May 11June 29, 2002

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