People Who Work Here

David Zwirner is pleased to present People Who Work Here, an exhibition in the gallery's 519 West 19th Street space. Comprising, as its title suggests, a group of artists who work at the gallery, the show is complementary to David Zwirner's main program, which features forty internationally acclaimed artists.

Curated by Brooklyn-based Rawson Projects, whose co-directors James Morrill and Chris Rawson also work at David Zwirner, the show bridges the emerging and established gallery scenes, two sides of the art world that are commonly thought of as isolated from one another. In turn, it plays on notions of inside and outside, art and work, center and periphery, while at the same time testifying to the interconnectedness of the New York art world and the relationships that exist between new and established artists and galleries in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

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July 11August 10, 2012
Rawson Projects
Cy Amundson, Justin Davis Anderson, Ben Berlow, Josh Brown, Aidan Sofia Earle, Joel Fennell, Brent Harada, Sam Martineau, Chris Medina, Dave Miko, Clive Murphy, Liz Nielsen, David Ording, Justin Phillipson, Ramon Silva, Aengus Woods, John Holten

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