Installation view of the exhibition Christopher Williams: For Example: Dix-Huit Leçons Sur La Société Industrielle (Revision 18), at David Zwirner in London, dated 2013.
Installation view of the exhibition Christopher Williams: For Example: Dix-Huit Leçons Sur La Société Industrielle (Revision 18), at David Zwirner in London, dated 2013.

Christopher Williams: For Example: Dix-Huit Leçons Sur La Société Industrielle (Revision 18)

The revolutionary power of women's laughter?

Capitalist realism?

The production line of happiness?

Yeah, that sounds good. Let's go with the production line of happiness.

Why don't we show it to Richard?

Where is Richard? I haven't seen him for a while.

I don't know, but at this time of day you can probably find him at the bar.

People, it's best to know only the ones who are available
At certain pale hours of the night
Near a slot machine, with male problems
Problems of melancholy
So we have a drink, looking off in to the distance
Beyond the bar mirror
And we say to ourselves: it's very late

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