William Eggleston, Untitled, 1970 (detail)
William Eggleston, Untitled, 1970 (detail)
David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of the American photographer William Eggleston’s medium- and large-format photographs from the 1970s, many of which have never been exhibited before. On view at the gallery’s Hong Kong location, this exhibition marks the artist’s debut solo presentation in Greater China.
Over the course of nearly six decades, Eggleston has established a singular pictorial style that deftly combines vernacular subject matter with an innate and sophisticated understanding of color, form, and composition. His vividly saturated photographs transform the ordinary into distinctive, poetic images that eschew fixed meaning. A pioneer of color photography, Eggleston helped elevate the medium to the art form that it is recognized as today. His watershed 1976 solo exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, curated by John Szarkowski, would come to herald the medium’s acceptance within the art-historical canon.
卓納畫廊欣然呈現美國攝影師威廉·埃格爾斯頓(William Eggleston, b. 1939)中畫幅與大畫幅的攝影作品展。這些作品拍攝於1970年代,其中許多作品此前從未展出。展覽將在畫廊的香港空間舉辦,這也是藝術家在大中華地區的首次個展。
在近六十年的歷程中,埃格爾斯頓建立起了自己獨特的圖像風格,他將帶有地方特色的主題同他與生俱來對色彩、形式和構圖的細膩理解融合在一起。他生動飽和的畫面將平凡的日常轉化為與眾不同的詩意圖像,而又免於陷入固化的解讀。作為彩色攝影的先驅,埃格爾斯頓幫助提升了攝影媒介的地位,使其成為今日廣受認可的藝術形式。 1976年,他在紐約現代藝術博物館舉辦了極具分水嶺意義的個展,展覽由約翰·扎科夫斯基(John Szarkowski)策展,預示了攝影媒介將在日後被納入藝術史的經典之中。
Please note that when our fall exhibitions open globally, the galleries will be open to the public with a limited number of visitors allowed into the exhibition spaces at a time, in accordance with city guidelines.
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Image: Installation view, William Eggleston, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2020