An installation view of the exhibition titled William Eggleston at David Zwirner in Hong kong in 2020.
An installation view of the exhibition titled William Eggleston at David Zwirner in Hong kong in 2020.

William Eggleston

David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of the American photographer William Eggleston’s medium- and large-format photographs from the 1970s, many of which have never been exhibited before. On view at the gallery’s Hong Kong location, this exhibition marks the artist’s debut solo presentation in Greater China.

Over the course of nearly six decades, Eggleston has established a singular pictorial style that deftly combines vernacular subject matter with an innate and sophisticated understanding of color, form, and composition. His vividly saturated photographs transform the ordinary into distinctive, poetic images that eschew fixed meaning. A pioneer of color photography, Eggleston helped elevate the medium to the art form that it is recognized as today. His watershed 1976 solo exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, curated by John Szarkowski, would come to herald the medium’s acceptance within the art-historical canon.


卓納畫廊欣然呈現美國攝影師威廉·埃格爾斯頓(William Eggleston, b. 1939)中畫幅與大畫幅的攝影作品展。這些作品拍攝於1970年代,其中許多作品此前從未展出。展覽將在畫廊的香港空間舉辦,這也是藝術家在大中華地區的首次個展。

在近六十年的歷程中,埃格爾斯頓建立起了自己獨特的圖像風格,他將帶有地方特色的主題同他與生俱來對色彩、形式和構圖的細膩理解融合在一起。他生動飽和的畫面將平凡的日常轉化為與眾不同的詩意圖像,而又免於陷入固化的解讀。作為彩色攝影的先驅,埃格爾斯頓幫助提升了攝影媒介的地位,使其成為今日廣受認可的藝術形式。 1976年,他在紐約現代藝術博物館舉辦了極具分水嶺意義的個展,展覽由約翰·扎科夫斯基(John Szarkowski)策展,預示了攝影媒介將在日後被納入藝術史的經典之中。

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Image: Installation view, William Eggleston, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2020

An untitled dye transfer print by William Eggleston, dated 1965.

William Eggleston

Untitled, 1965

Dye transfer print

Print: 20 x 16 inches (50.8 x 40.6 cm)

印相尺寸: 50.8 × 40.6 厘米

Born in 1939 in Memphis, Tennessee, where he continues to live today, William Eggleston is often referred to as the “father of color photography.” Over the course of a prolific career spanning many decades, Eggleston has established a unique approach that combines everyday subjects with an intuitive and sophisticated understanding of color, form, and composition.

威廉·埃格爾斯頓(William Eggleston)常被人稱作「彩色攝影之父」。埃格爾斯頓1939年出生於田納西州孟菲斯,並現居於此。在過去數十年高產的職業生涯中,埃格爾斯頓建立了獨特的創作方式,將日常物件同他與生俱來對色彩、形式和構圖的細膩理解融合在一起。



In 1976, his solo exhibition Photographs by William Eggleston , curated by John Szarkowski at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, was the first presentation of color photography at the museum. The show, which was accompanied by the museum’s first book of color photography, William Eggleston’s Guide, marked an important moment in the medium’s acceptance within the art-historical canon and affirmed Eggleston’s position as one of its foremost practitioners.

1976年,他在紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)舉辦了個展《威廉·埃格爾斯頓的攝影》。展覽由約翰·扎科夫斯基(John Szarkowski)策展,是這座美術館有史以來首場彩色攝影作品的展覽。與展覽同期,美術館還出版了首本關於彩色攝影的展覽圖冊《威廉·埃格爾斯頓導讀》。這場展覽標誌著彩色攝影媒介被納入藝術史經典的歷史性時刻,也肯定了埃格爾斯頓身為這一領域中前沿實踐者的重要地位。

An installation view of William Eggleston's solo exhibition at the Museum of modern Art in New York in 1976.

Installation view, Photographs by William Eggleston, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1976

Installation view, Photographs by William Eggleston , Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1976

A photograph by William Eggleston, called Untitled, dated c. 1970.

William Eggleston, Untitled, 1970 (detail)

William Eggleston, Untitled, 1970 (detail)

A detail from a photograph by William Eggleston, called Untitled, dated	c. 1975.

William Eggleston, Untitled, c.1975 (detail)

William Eggleston, Untitled, c.1975 (detail)

An untitled photograph by William Eggleston, dated c. 1983-1986.

William Eggleston, Untitled c. 1983–1986 (detail)


William Eggleston, Untitled c. 1983–1986 (detail)

A photograph by William Eggleston, called Untitled, dated c. 1973.

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1973 (detail)

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1973 (detail)

A photograph by William Eggleston, called Untitled, dated c. 1971-1973.

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1971–1973 (detail)

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1971–1973 (detail)

“I am at war with the obvious.”


(William Eggleston)

Eggleston developed his singular pictorial style by photographing daily scenes with the attitude that “no subject matter is more or less important than another.” His photographs transform the ordinary—sidewalks and laundry rooms, diners and ceiling fans—into distinctive and poetic images. 


“Eggleston does not make judgements. He neither praises nor condemns the bright American promise.… An element of deep feeling … emerges unseen in his sidewalls and night tables and billboard stanchions.”


(Alexander Nemerov)

An installation view of the exhibition William Eggleston: Democratic Camera, Photographs and Video, 1961–2008 at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, in 2008.

Installation view, William Eggleston: Democratic Camera, Photographs and Video, 1961–2008 , Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2008

Installation view, William Eggleston: Democratic Camera, Photographs and Video, 1961–2008 , Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2008

An installation view of an exhibition titled William Eggleston and the Color Tradition, at the J. Paul Getty Museum in 1999.

Installation view, William Eggleston and the Color Tradition, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 1999

Installation view, William Eggleston and the Color Tradition, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 1999

Eggleston’s work has been the subject of solo exhibitions at prominent institutions worldwide, among them William Eggleston: Democratic Camera, Photographs and Video, 1961–2008 at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, in 2008; William Eggleston, Paris at the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, in 2009; and William Eggleston: Los Alamos at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, in 2018. 

埃格爾斯頓在世界各地的重要機構中舉辦過諸多個展,其中包括:2008年,惠特尼美國藝術博物館舉辦的《威廉·埃格爾斯頓:民主的相機、照片和視頻, 1961-2008年》;2009年,巴黎卡地亞當代藝術基金會舉辦的《威廉·埃格爾斯頓,巴黎》;2018年,紐約大都會藝術博物館舉辦的《威廉·埃格爾斯頓:洛斯阿拉莫斯》等。


“Color is a major component in the pictorial logic of Eggleston’s photographs, but they are not just meticulously framed still lifes or tableaux.… There is a dual sensation of familiarity and of alienation.… He leaves some room for the viewer by making pictures with just enough, but not too much, specificity or information. The art of it all is his ability to hold back as much as he puts forward, which might be read as vulnerability, impending doom, or, at best, an uncertain future.… That Eggleston’s photographs can contain these multiple, individual narratives may be, in the end, what makes them truly democratic.” 


—— 唐娜·德·薩爾沃
(Donna de Salvo)

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973–1978
Pigment print

Framed: 62 x 45 inches (157.5 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:157.5 x 114.3 厘米

The photographs in this exhibition were taken using medium- and large-format cameras; at the time, these were more commonly used for portraiture or formal studio photography. Eggleston, however, began exploring larger formats for the work he made outside and in ordinary settings. Married with the artist’s use of saturated color, these photographs capture the breadth and texture of everyday life with unprecedented force. 


An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 63 3/8 x 45 inches (161 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:161 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

“I mention that for decades people have studied his compositions, the geometry of his images, which seem to grow more complex the more you look. But this sort of analysis of his work strikes Eggleston as ‘nonsense.’ Photography is second nature to him—intuitive not analytical. ‘I know they’re there, the angles and compositions,’ he says. ‘Every little minute thing works with every other one there. All of these images are composed. They’re little paintings to me.’” 


—— 奧古斯坦·柏洛茲(Augusten Burroughs)
出自紐約時報《T》雜誌長篇人物特寫 (T The New York Times Style Magazine)

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 3/8 inches (114.3 x 161 cm)

裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 161 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)

裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

“I was thinking about pictures made in portrait studios, mostly before my time, with the 5 x 7 camera, prints big enough to hand retouch and I was thinking: I want to do a series in that format because of the incredible detail.”
「我當時在思考在肖像工作室中拍攝的照片,它們大部分出現在我所處的時代之前,使用5 x 7畫幅的相機,圖像的尺寸足夠大,從而可以進行手工調試和修飾,而我在想:因為那種讓人難以置信的細節,我希望用這種畫幅來創作一個系列。」

—— 威廉·埃格爾斯頓
(William Eggleston)

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

A detail from a photography by William Eggleston, called Untitled, dated c. 1973-1978.

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1973-1978 (detail)

William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1973-1978 (detail)

Inquire about works by William Eggleston

Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
Installation view, William Eggleston, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2020.
An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45  x 63 3/8 inches (114.3 x 161 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 63 x 45 inches (160 x 114.3 cm)


裝裱尺寸:160 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)

裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 63 3/8 x 45 inches (161 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:161 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 3/8 inches (114.3 x 161 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 161 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 59 1/2 x 45 inches (151.1 x 114.3 cm)


裝裱尺寸:151.1 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 1/4 x 45 inches (155.6 x 114.3 cm)


裝裱尺寸:155.6 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 3/8 inches (114.3 x 161 cm)

裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 161 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)


裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973–1978
Pigment print

Framed: 62 x 45 inches (157.5 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:157.5 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)

裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 61 x 45 inches (154.9 x 114.3 cm)


裝裱尺寸:154.9 x 114.3 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 61 inches (114.3 x 154.9 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 154.9 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 62 inches (114.3 x 157.5 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 157.5 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

An untitled pigment print by William Eggleston, circa 1973 to 1978.

William Eggleston

Untitled, c. 1973-1978
Pigment print

Framed: 45 x 63 inches (114.3 x 160 cm)


裝裱尺寸:114.3 x 160 厘米

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