To create her works, Bernhardt first draws on upright canvases with spray paint; pictured here, she begins to outline Pikachu in her studio in St. Louis, Missouri. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini, 2023 為了創作這些作品,伯恩哈特會先用噴漆在直立的布面上作畫,如圖所示,她正在自己密蘇裏州聖路易斯的工作室中,開始勾勒皮卡丘的輪廓。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini,2023年
To create her works, Bernhardt first draws on upright canvases with spray paint; pictured here, she begins to outline Pikachu in her studio in St. Louis, Missouri. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini, 2023 為了創作這些作品,伯恩哈特會先用噴漆在直立的布面上作畫,如圖所示,她正在自己密蘇裏州聖路易斯的工作室中,開始勾勒皮卡丘的輪廓。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini,2023年