An artwork by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Ditto VMax Ju Ju, dated 2021
An artwork by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Ditto VMax Ju Ju, dated 2021

Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art

David Zwirner is pleased to announce an exhibition of new paintings by American artist Katherine Bernhardt (b. 1975) that will take place at the gallery’s location in Hong Kong. The works in this presentation focus on characters from the Japanese media franchise and global game sensation Pokémon, continuing to expand Bernhardt’s unique visual lexicon, which culls from an irreverent pop vernacular as well as her own life and the broader culture. Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art will be Bernhardt’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong and her second with David Zwirner. 


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Image: Katherine Bernhardt, Ditto VMax Ju Ju, 2021 (detail)


卓納畫廊欣然宣布在香港空間為美國藝術家凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特(1975年生)的全新繪畫作品舉辦個展。此次展覽專註呈現出自日本跨媒體系列並在全球引發轟動的遊戲「寶可夢」中的人物形象,作品持續地拓展了伯恩哈特獨特的視覺語匯,它們來自無視威權的民間流行風格,以及她的個人生活和更開闊的文化。展覽「虛構娃娃 羨慕之瞳 百變怪 皮卡丘 強化謎擬Q 嬉戲 伽勒爾烈焰馬 天秤角擊 體力值270 絕群壓軸 全圖」將是伯恩哈特的香港首展,也是她在卓納畫廊的第二場個展。


凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特,《百變怪 絕群壓軸 JuJu》,2021年 © 凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特 圖片由藝術家、卓納畫廊及CANADA畫廊提供

May 20August 5, 2023
Opening Reception
Saturday, May 20, 5—7 pm
Gallery Hours
Tues—Sat 11am–7pm

For her first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, Katherine Bernhardt debuts a new series of paintings featuring her latest pop cultural obsession: characters from the Pokémon universe.


Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

To create her works, Bernhardt first draws on upright canvases with spray paint; pictured here, she begins to outline Pikachu in her studio in St. Louis, Missouri. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini, 2023 為了創作這些作品,伯恩哈特會先用噴漆在直立的布面上作畫,如圖所示,她正在自己密蘇裏州聖路易斯的工作室中,開始勾勒皮卡丘的輪廓。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini,2023年

To create her works, Bernhardt first draws on upright canvases with spray paint; pictured here, she begins to outline Pikachu in her studio in St. Louis, Missouri. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini, 2023 為了創作這些作品,伯恩哈特會先用噴漆在直立的布面上作畫,如圖所示,她正在自己密蘇裏州聖路易斯的工作室中,開始勾勒皮卡丘的輪廓。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini,2023年

Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio
Bernhardt later lays her works on the floor to apply acrylic paint thinned out with water. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 伯恩哈特會將作品平放在地面,塗上用水稀釋過的丙烯顏料。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini
Bernhardt later lays her works on the floor to apply acrylic paint thinned out with water. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 伯恩哈特會將作品平放在地面,塗上用水稀釋過的丙烯顏料。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini
Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

Here, Bernhardt references a Pokémon card featuring the canary-yellow Pikachu. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 在這裏,伯恩哈特參考了一張繪有鮮黃色皮卡丘的寶可夢遊戲卡。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Here, Bernhardt references a Pokémon card featuring the canary-yellow Pikachu. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 在這裏,伯恩哈特參考了一張繪有鮮黃色皮卡丘的寶可夢遊戲卡。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Bernhardt’s boundless visual appetite has established her as one of the most energetic painters working today, known for her lively brushwork, vibrant color palette, and unique visual lexicon that draws from pop culture as well as her own life.

This presentation continues her exploration of contemporary pop phenomena by focusing on the characters of the Japanese media franchise and global game sensation Pokémon. Each new work features a composition culled from the game’s trading cards and depicts a different Pokémon, rendered with the signature elements of Bernhardt’s exuberant style.



Katherine Bernhardt

Installation view, Katherine Bernhardt, Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2023 展覽現場圖,「凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特:虛構娃娃 羨慕之瞳 百變怪 皮卡丘 強化謎擬Q 嬉戲 伽勒爾烈焰馬 天秤角擊 體力值270 絕群壓軸 全圖」,卓納畫廊香港空間,2023年

Installation view, Katherine Bernhardt, Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2023 展覽現場圖,「凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特:虛構娃娃 羨慕之瞳 百變怪 皮卡丘 強化謎擬Q 嬉戲 伽勒爾烈焰馬 天秤角擊 體力值270 絕群壓軸 全圖」,卓納畫廊香港空間,2023年

A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Vaporeon VMAX, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Vaporeon VMAX, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

Katherine Bernhardt with her painting Pikachu Pikaball, 2021. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特與她的繪畫作品《皮卡丘 皮卡球》。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Katherine Bernhardt with her painting Pikachu Pikaball, 2021. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特與她的繪畫作品《皮卡丘 皮卡球》。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Indeedee, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Indeedee, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Beefy Mimikyu, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Beefy Mimikyu, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

Bernhardt’s compositions are inspired by the Pokémon Trading Card game, with each card featuring a character’s powers and capabilities. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 伯恩哈特的構圖深受「寶可夢集換式卡牌遊戲」的啟發,卡牌上突顯了每個角色不同的超能力。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Bernhardt’s compositions are inspired by the Pokémon Trading Card game, with each card featuring a character’s powers and capabilities. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 伯恩哈特的構圖深受「寶可夢集換式卡牌遊戲」的啟發,卡牌上突顯了每個角色不同的超能力。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

For each painting, Bernhardt delineates a loose border that frames the Pokémon character and overlays the statistics and special abilities that distinguish its role within the game. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 在每一幅畫中,伯恩哈特都鬆散地標明邊界線以框定她要表現的寶可夢形象,並將卡牌上的數據、特殊技能都疊置於畫面,以此分辨它們在遊戲中的角色。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

A variety of open paint cans reflects Bernhardt’s fluid and improvisational process, often moving back and forth between several paintings at once. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 各種罐口敞開的顏料反映出伯恩哈特流動而即興的創作過程,她常常同時創作幾幅畫,在它們之間來回跳躍。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

A variety of open paint cans reflects Bernhardt’s fluid and improvisational process, often moving back and forth between several paintings at once. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 各種罐口敞開的顏料反映出伯恩哈特流動而即興的創作過程,她常常同時創作幾幅畫,在它們之間來回跳躍。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Surfing Pikachu, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Surfing Pikachu, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

Here, colors bleed and pool together across the surface of a painting. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 在這裏,顏色以「出血」版式呈現,並且如水窪般匯聚在繪畫表面。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Here, colors bleed and pool together across the surface of a painting. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 在這裏,顏色以「出血」版式呈現,並且如水窪般匯聚在繪畫表面。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Ditto VMax Ju Ju, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Ditto VMax Ju Ju, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《百變怪絕群壓軸Ju Ju》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Pikachu Pikaball, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Pikachu Pikaball, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米

“Ditto is a funny big pink blob who I can relate to. He morphs between pinks, purples, and blues, which happen to be my favorite colors to paint. Pink is also my favorite color overall, and blobs are excellent and magnificent shapes.”

—Katherine Bernhardt


A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Yeti Gaming, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Yeti Gaming, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
120 x 276 inches (304.8 x 701 cm)

304.8 x 701 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Chansey, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Chansey, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
Detail of a Katherine Bernhardt painting titled "Chancey," dated 2021

Katherine Bernhardt, Chansey, 2021 (detail) 凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特,《吉利蛋》,2021年(細節)

Katherine Bernhardt, Chansey, 2021 (detail) 凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特,《吉利蛋》,2021年(細節)

Katherine Bernhard installation view

Installation view, Katherine Bernhardt, Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2023 展覽現場圖,「凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特:虛構娃娃 羨慕之瞳 百變怪 皮卡丘 強化謎擬Q 嬉戲 伽勒爾烈焰馬 天秤角擊 體力值270 絕群壓軸 全圖」,卓納畫廊香港空間,2023年

Installation view, Katherine Bernhardt, Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, David Zwirner, Hong Kong, 2023 展覽現場圖,「凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特:虛構娃娃 羨慕之瞳 百變怪 皮卡丘 強化謎擬Q 嬉戲 伽勒爾烈焰馬 天秤角擊 體力值270 絕群壓軸 全圖」,卓納畫廊香港空間,2023年

A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Umbreon, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Umbreon, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Gengar and Mimikyu Tag Team GX Poltergeist Horror House, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Gengar and Mimikyu Tag Team GX Poltergeist Horror House, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《耿鬼和謎擬Q 高級補充包聯手明星大集合騷靈現象恐怖屋》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
Katherine Bernhardt in her St Louis, Missouri studio

New paintings line the walls of Bernhardt’s St. Louis studio before being picked up from the studio for the exhibition. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 從工作室運送到展覽現場前,伯恩哈特的新近畫作排列在她位於聖路易斯的工作室牆面上。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

New paintings line the walls of Bernhardt’s St. Louis studio before being picked up from the studio for the exhibition. Photo by Whitten Sabbatini 從工作室運送到展覽現場前,伯恩哈特的新近畫作排列在她位於聖路易斯的工作室牆面上。攝影/ Whitten Sabbatini

Inquire About Works by Katherine Bernhardt

Katherine Bernhardt x Platform
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
An installation view of the exhibition, Katherine Bernhardt: Dummy doll jealous eyes ditto pikachu beefy mimikyu rough play Galarian rapid dash libra horn HP 270 Vmax full art, at David Zwirner in Hong Kong, dated 2023.
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, Ancient Mew, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Ancient Mew, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 40 inches (152.4 x 101.6 cm)

152.4 x 101.6 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Pikachu Pikaball, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Pikachu Pikaball, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Ditto VMax Ju Ju, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Ditto VMax Ju Ju, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《百變怪絕群壓軸Ju Ju》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Vaporeon VMAX, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Vaporeon VMAX, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Dummy Doll Jealous Eyes, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Dummy Doll Jealous Eyes, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Morpeko VMAX, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Morpeko VMAX, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Charizard GX Wing Attack Crimson Storm Raging Out, dated 2022.

Katherine Bernhardt

Charizard GX Wing Attack Crimson Storm Raging Out, 2022
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《噴火龍GX 翅膀攻擊紅蓮風暴怒火中燒》,2022年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Gengar and Mimikyu Tag Team GX Poltergeist Horror House, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Gengar and Mimikyu Tag Team GX Poltergeist Horror House, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《耿鬼和謎擬Q 高級補充包聯手明星大集合騷靈現象恐怖屋》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Jolteon, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Jolteon, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Chansey, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Chansey, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Surfing Pikachu, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Surfing Pikachu, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Blue Ditto 170, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Blue Ditto 170, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Japanese Pokémon Back, dated 2022.

Katherine Bernhardt

Japanese Pokémon Back, 2022
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Indeedee, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Indeedee, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Vmax Charizard 330, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Vmax Charizard 330, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Pikachu V190 Charge, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Pikachu V190 Charge, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《皮卡丘V190 充電》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Wobbuffet, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Wobbuffet, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Umbreon, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Umbreon, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Poncho Pikachu 70, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Poncho Pikachu 70, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Raichu, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Raichu, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Charizard 500 Max Wildfire, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Charizard 500 Max Wildfire, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

《噴火龍500 Max 地獄滅焰》,2021年
152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Blissey, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Blissey, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Galarian Rapid Dash, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Galarian Rapid Dash, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Yeti Gaming, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Yeti Gaming, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
120 x 276 inches (304.8 x 701 cm)

304.8 x 701 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Rainbow Pikachu VMAX GMAX Volt, dated 2021.

Katherine Bernhardt

Rainbow Pikachu VMAX GMAX Volt, 2021
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米
A painting by Katherine Bernhardt, titled Beefy Mimikyu, dated 2023.

Katherine Bernhardt

Beefy Mimikyu, 2023
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 48 inches (152.4 x 121.9 cm)

152.4 x 121.9 厘米

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