Recent Oil Paintings - Suzan Frecon
David Zwirner is pleased to present new paintings by American artist Suzan Frecon at the gallery’s Hong Kong location, marking her first solo exhibition in Asia.
For almost five decades, Frecon has created abstract oil paintings and works on paper that are at once reductive and expressive. Made over long stretches of time, her canvases embody the durational activity of painting itself and invite the viewer’s sustained attention: these, as the artist herself has noted, are “paintings that you experience."
The artist’s compositions are characterized by arcing and asymmetrically balanced forms and are defined by precise spatial and proportional relationships. Each surface is developed carefully and gradually, evolving from one canvas to the next in a process that combines preparation and intuition, order and chance. In Frecon’s paintings, composition serves as a foundational structure, holding color, material, and light.