Survey: Andra Ursuţa

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Joy Revision, David Zwirner, London, 2022

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Joy Revision, David Zwirner, London, 2022

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Joy Revision, David Zwirner, London, 2022

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Joy Revision, David Zwirner, London, 2022


Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Void Fill, David Zwirner, Paris, 2021

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Void Fill, David Zwirner, Paris, 2021

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Void Fill, David Zwirner, Paris, 2021

Installation view, Andra Ursuta: Nobodies, at Ramiken Crucible in Brooklyn, dated 2019.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Nobodies, Ramiken, Brooklyn, New York, 2019

Installation view of work titled Nobodies by Andra Ursuta, in the 58th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, dated 2019.

Installation view, May You Live In Interesting Times, 58 Biennale di Venezia, Venice, 2019

Installation view of work titled Divorce Dump by Andra Ursuta, in the 58th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, dated 2019.

Installation view, May You Live In Interesting Times, 58 Biennale di Venezia, Venice, 2019

Installation view of work titled Divorce Dump by Andra Ursuta, in the 58th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, dated 2019.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Vanilla Isis, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, 2018–2019

Installation view of the exhibition Alps, by Andra Ursuta, at the New Museum in New York, dated 2016.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Alps, New Museum, New York, 2016

Installation view of the exhibition Alps, by Andra Ursuta, at the New Museum in New York, dated 2016.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Alps, New Museum, New York, 2016

Installation view of the exhibition Alps, by Andra Ursuta, at the New Museum in New York, dated 2016.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Alps, New Museum, New York, 2016

Installation view, Andra Ursuta: Ο Νότος θα εγερθεί ξανα, at Ramiken Crucible in Brooklyn, dated 2015.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Ο Νότος θα εγερθεί ξανα, Ramiken Crucible, New York, 2015. Photo by Dario Lasagni

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: As I Lay Drying, ICA Miami, 2014–2015. Photo by Silvia Ros

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: As I Lay Drying, ICA Miami, 2014–2015. Photo by Silvia Ros

Installation view, Andra Ursuta: As I Lay Drying, at the ICA Miami, dated 2014.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: As I Lay Drying, ICA Miami, 2014–2015. Photo by Silvia Ros

Installation view of the exhibition Scytheseeing, by Andra Ursuta, at Kolnischer Kunstverein, Koln, Germany.

Installation view, Andra Ursuţa: Scytheseeing, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, 2014. Photo by Ulrich Holz

Installation view, Andra Ursuta: The Encyclopedic Palace, at the 55th Venice Biennale, dated 2013.

Installation view, The Encyclopedic Palace, 55 Biennale di Venezia, Venice, 2013. Photo by Uli Holz