About David Zwirner Books

David Zwirner Books is dedicated to publishing the highest quality art publications, from monographs and historical surveys to artist books, collected writings and interviews, and more. Highlighting the gallery’s world renowned artists, estates, and exhibition program, the imprint focuses on projects that are artist-led or inspired. The imprint’s commitment to scholarship and new approaches to writing is exemplified by the celebrated ekphrasis series, the children’s book series How Art Works, and through text commissions that bring together novelists, poets, journalists, and leading voices in art writing today.
David Zwirner Books was founded in 2014 as the stand-alone publishing house of David Zwirner and publishes over 25 titles a year, which are available worldwide in the David Zwirner Books Shop, museum stores, independent bookstores, online, and in all gallery locations.
David Zwirner Books’s titles are distributed internationally in the book trade by Simon & Schuster and Thames & Hudson.
The publishing offices are based in Chelsea in Manhattan, located at 520 West 20th Street.
David Zwirner Books Shop
The David Zwirner Books Shop is located at 535 West 20th Street, adjacent to the gallery’s Chelsea location. Featuring a large selection of David Zwirner Books publications, the bookstore also offers additional titles—including artist monographs, exhibition catalogues, children’s books, and rare and out-of-print books—from a variety of publishers.
Orders are shipped from our gallery in New York, and take approximately 7–14 days for processing and delivery. All delivery times quoted are estimated and based on availability and normal processing and delivery time via our carriers.

Employment Opportunities
We’re #hiring across the globe! If you’re interested in joining the team at David Zwirner, consider applying to one of our open positions
David Zwirner Books
520 West 20th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, New York, 10011
T +1 212 727 2070
E information@davidzwirnerbooks.com
Office hours
Monday–Friday, 10 AM–6 PM
David Zwirner Books Shop
535 West 20th Street
New York, New York, 10011
Bookstore hours
Tuesday–Saturday, 10 AM–6 PM
David Zwirner Books publications are
distributed in the United States and Canada by:
Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
Distributed outside the United States and Canada by:
Thames & Hudson, Ltd.
181A High Holborn
London WC1V 7QX