Stan Douglas: Scotiabank Photography Award
Publisher: Steidl
Publication Date: 2014

Introduction by Edward Burtynsky and Jane E. Nokes. Texts by Robert Bean and Dieter Roelstraete
Stan Douglas is the third annual publication celebrating the winner of the Scotiabank Photography Award, Canada’s largest contemporary photography award for an established Canadian artist.
During the celebrated career of this year’s award winner Stan Douglas (starting in 1983), photography has played a vital role in his artistic development. This publication highlights the significance of the photographic image in the critical and historical reception of Stan Douglas’s approach to art and media. The stories, sites, and events that Douglas explores are populist, literate and timely. Frequently, his photographs describe the overlooked histories of cultural identity, displacement, and injustice that reveal an uncanny resemblance to present-day events. This is achieved through an insightful attention to photography as both medium and subject. Folding the spectator into the visual culture of memory and oblivion that photographs evoke initiates profound observations about the ubiquity of photography in contemporary culture. The photographs of Stan Douglas affirm the validity and volatility of the photographic medium at this decisive moment in the history of art and photography.

Publisher: Steidl
Artist: Stan Douglas
Contributors: Robert Bean, Edward Burtynsky, Jane E. Nokes, Dieter Roelstraete
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9783869307480
Retail: $75 US & Canada | £50 | €58
Status: Not Available
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 10 x 12 1/4 in (25.4 x 31.1 cm)
Pages: 228
Reproductions: 178 color
Artist and Contributors
Stan Douglas
Since the 1980s, Stan Douglas (b. 1960) has created films, photographs, and other multidisciplinary projects that investigate the parameters of their respective mediums. His ongoing inquiry into technology’s role in image making, and how those mediations infiltrate and shape collective memory, has resulted in works that are at once specific in their historical and cultural references and broadly accessible.
Robert Bean
Edward Burtynsky
Jane E. Nokes
Dieter Roelstraete
Dieter Roelstraete is a curator of Documenta 14 and the former Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA).