Thomas Ruff: Zeitungsfotos / Newspaper Photographs
Publisher: Bookhorse
Publication Date: 2014

Best known for his oversized, dead-pan portraits, his unmediated shots of commonplace interiors, and his seemingly straightforward photographs of architecture, Thomas Ruff has quietly approached many familiar genres, and proceeded to discreetly reinvent them. For his Zeitungsfotos (Newspaper Photographs) series, Ruff found images in newspapers, and then re-photographed and enlarged them to isolate the photographs from the text, allowing Ruff’s viewer, now no longer a reader, to make assumptions about the photograph without any information to support the viewer’s inferences. The book consists of 400 reproductions from German newspapers that Ruff collected over the span of 10 years (1981–1991).
Publisher: Bookhorse
Artist: Thomas Ruff
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9783952339152
Retail: $55 US & Canada | £25
Status: Not Available
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 7 3/4 in (14 x 19.7 cm)
Pages: 800
Reproductions: 400 color
Artist and Contributors
Thomas Ruff
Thomas Ruff (b. 1958) rose to international prominence in the late 1980s as a member of the Düsseldorf School. Working in discrete series, Ruff's overarching inquiry into the "grammar of photography" has made his work uniquely influential to subsequent generations of photographers.