Rose Wylie at the Serpentine review: a joyous journey through the moments that make a life

There is wild pleasure to be had from Rose Wylie, certainly on a first pass around her new exhibition. We are greeted to the Serpentine gallery by a pink dressed skater, leaping across a double canvas amid red starbursts. Flinging her arms and legs wide, the painting can barely contain her, any more than her little dress can: while her face is doll-like and her wrists dressed with pompoms, the skater's body has the full solidity of a woman of a certain age. 'Will I Win' reads determined lettering along the bottom: 'Will I Win'. Around the corner we meet the Irreverent Anatomy Drawing (2017), a wobbly brown horse with luxuriant eyelashes and protruding tongue presented as an unconvincing medical cutaway, bones drawn and labelled by someone with little interest in the accuracy of either bones or labels. 
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