Begleiter in Leipzig and Munich

Installation view of the exhibition titled Neo Rauch at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, dated 2010.


In 2010, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig and Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich presented Begleiter, a two-venue retrospective of Neo Rauch's work. The exhibition featured 120 predominantly large-scale works from 1993 to 2010. This was the artist's first major museum survey.

Hatje Cantz published the accompanying exhibition catalogue. The two-sided book was designed to reflect the exhibition's two parts and venues, and included contributions by Rauch's long-time colleagues, including fellow artists Michaël Borremans and Luc Tuymans.

Pictured below: Installation view of Begleiter at thePinakothek der Moderne, Munich (2010)