Exhibition at The David Ireland House in San Francisco

Box of Angels featured Felix Gonzalez-Torres's “Untitled” (Passport) (1991)


May 12 – June 29, 2017

Felix Gonzalez-Torres's paper stack work “Untitled” (Passport) (1991) was installed at The David Ireland House as part of the exhibitionBox of Angels. David Ireland (1930-2009) was an artist and architect whose best-known work is his own house at 500 Capp Street in San Francisco—at once an environmental artwork, social sculpture, and his residence for 30 years. The house is now a venue for exhibitions and for the preservation of his work.

Installed in the guest bedroom of the house, “Untitled” (Passport) recalls The Savage Garden at Fundacion 'la Caixa' in Madrid, a group exhibition in 1991 which featured works by both Ireland and Gonzalez-Torres.