Guided Tour: Christopher Phillips on Stan Douglas

April 2018

Christopher Phillips gave a guided tour at the gallery of Stan Douglas: DCTs and Scenes from the Blackout. The exhibition presented works from Douglas’s two recent series, DCT (2016–ongoing) and Blackout (2017), that together illustrate the artist’s overarching interest in the nature of photographic representation and its relationship to reality.

Friday, April 6, 5 PM 
525 West 19th Street, New York

Christopher Phillips is guest curator at The Walther Collection and adjunct professor in the Department of Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He contributed a text to Stan Douglas: Midcentury Studio, published on the occasion of Douglas’s tenth solopresentation at David Zwirner in 2011.

This guided tour coincided with The Photography Show presented by theAssociation of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD).