Jessamyn Fiore and Federica Matta on Gordon Matta-Clark

Installation view of the exhibition, Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitect, at the Bronx Museum of Art in New York, dated 2017 to 1018.

Installation view, Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitect, The Bronx Museum of Art, New York, 2017–2018

Talk at The Bronx Museum of the Arts


Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitectat The Bronx Museum of the Arts explored how the artist’s practice introduced radical ways of subverting urban architecture, beginning with the series of "cuts" he produced in the Bronx in the early 1970s. Some of his best-known projects involved laboriously cutting holes in the floors or walls of abandoned or soon-to-be-demolished buildings or, as with Splitting (1974), meticulously slicing a house in two.

Saturday, March 10, 5–6 PM 
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York

Jessamyn Fiore, the exhibition’s curator and co-director of the Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark, and Federica Matta, the artist’s sister, gave a talk about Matta-Clark’s work.