lucky dip

An installation and live work titled Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip, at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in New York [part of Performa 15], dated 2015.

Oscar Murillo 
Installation view, Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip. Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, New York [part of Performa 15]

An installation and live work titled Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip, at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in New York [part of Performa 15], dated 2015.

Oscar Murillo 
Installation view, Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip. Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, New York [part of Performa 15]

An installation and live work titled Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip, at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in New York [part of Performa 15], dated 2015.

Oscar Murillo 
Installation view, Oscar Murillo: Lucky dip. Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, New York [part of Performa 15]


Live work presented at Performa in New York


For Performa 15, Oscar Murillo presentedlucky dip, an installation and live work at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House at Bowling Green in New York, located at the southern edge of lower Manhattan.

On the building's exterior, Murillo installed a banner with the logo of Mighty White, a South African corn brand. Inside, performers ground and re-packaged corn, acknowledging the building's history as a hub for international trade and distribution. Throughout the week-long performance and installation, workers sang Spanish ballads and read from passages about town criers in London's markets, drawing further connections between the space and artistic and industrial production.