Richard Serra: Films and Videotapes

A black and white video by Richard Serra titled Hands Tied, dated 1968.

Richard Serra 
Hands Tied

Solo exhibition at Kunstmuseum Basel


May 20–October 15

Richard Serra: Films and Videotapespresented 16 works made between 1968 and 1979. The exhibition was the first comprehensive survey of the artist's films, and screened the works in their original 16mm format.

As Ken Johnson wrote in The New York Times, Serra's early films "insist on material conditions." Created in the same period as his initial experiments with materials such as vulcanized rubber and lead, Serra's films anticipate his ongoing focus on the spatial and temporal properties of sculpture. Included in this exhibition is the artist's first film, Hand Catching Lead (1968), which reflects his distinctive interest in the interplay of gravity and material.