Suzan Frecon: oil paintings and sun

Cover of a book titled oil paintings and sun, published by David Zwirner Books in 2015.

Suzan Frecon 
oil paintings and sun (David Zwirner Books, 2015)

Publication documenting the artist’s solo exhibition at David Zwirner


Published to accompany Suzan Frecon’s third solo exhibition at David Zwirner in New York in 2015, oil paintings and sun documents the artist’s engagement with natural light, the varying subtleties of which she integrates into the creation of her paintings.

The publication features color plates illustrating fourteen paintings by Frecon, many of which are depicted several times in different types of light and from multiple angles. Also included is an essay by David Cohen, details and installation views of the exhibition, color photographs of the artist’s studio and materials, and an illustrated visual appendix showing a selection of Frecon’s reference sources for the works with commentary written by the artist. Published by David Zwirner Books