2020Solidarity Posters

A detail from a 2020 solidarity poster by Wolfgang Tillmans, titled still life (Bühnenbild), dated 2020.

From Wolfgang Tillmans’s foundation Between Bridges

June 15, 2020

2020Solidarity is a project organized by Wolfgang Tillmans’s foundation Between Bridges, aimed at helping cultural and music venues, community projects, independent spaces, and publications that are threatened by the current crisis. 
Over fifty artists from around the world (including Tomma Abts, Marlene Dumas, William Eggleston, Isa Genzken, Jeff Koons, Thomas Ruff, Luc Tuymans, James Welling and more) have contributed images to the initiative. Between Bridges prints and ships these posters to participating organizations as a fundraising incentive. The posters are available for a minimum donation of fifty dollars, euros, or pounds, and one hundred percent of proceeds go directly to the beneficiaries. 
The Between Bridges 2020Solidarity project is ongoing and evolving with additional artists and organizations added regularly. A selection of 2020Solidarity posters and beneficiaries follows below; to view all the posters and the participating organizations, please click here.

Tomma Abts 
ohne Titel/ untitled, 2020

Available at: ExBerliner (Berlin), Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong)Block 336 (London)Cafe Oto (London)Heart N Soul (London)ISCP (New York City)CCA Wattis Institute (San Francisco)Asakusa (Tokyo)POST (Tokyo)Utrecht (Tokyo)

Njideka Akunyili Crosby 
Blend in — Stand out, 2019 
Available at: Block 336 (London)Cafe Oto (London)Poetry School (London)RUYA MAPS (London)LVDB Books (Osaka)twelvebooks (Tokyo)Utrecht (Tokyo)

Marlene Dumas 
James Baldwin (from the series Great Men), 2014

Available at: Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Amsterdam)Perdu (Amsterdam)ZAM Magazine (Amsterdam)ExBerliner (Berlin)Pioneer Works (Brooklyn)Studio of Young Artists' Association and Trafó Gallery (Budapest)Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong)IACK (Kanazawa)Obszar Wspólny (Łódź)Black Tower Projects (London)Block 336 (London)Block Universe (London)Cafe Oto (London)The Chateau (London)Deeper Into Movies (London)Five Years (London)Heart N Soul (London)HIV i-Base (London)Poetry School (London)Micamera (Milan)Memphis Rox (Memphis)Callen Lorde (New York City)ISCP (New York City)Thanks for nothing (Paris)CCA Wattis Institute (San Francisco)The Lab (San Francisco)Asakusa (Tokyo)Utrecht (Tokyo)

William Eggleston 
Untitled, c. 1974-75

Available at: Memphis Rox (Memphis)OUTMemphis (Memphis)Athens x Between Bridges: 2020Solidarity (Athens)Groove (Berlin)Pioneer Works (Brooklyn)Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong)IACK (Kanazawa)Black Tower Projects (London)Block 336 (London)Block Universe (London)Micamera (Milan)LVDB Books (Osaka)amala (Tokyo)Daitokai Books (Tokyo)POST (Tokyo)

Isa Genzken 
Untitled, 2015

Available at: Athens x Between Bridges: 2020Solidarity (Athens)Das Wetter (Berlin)Groove (Berlin)254Forest x C12 x Fontainas (Brussels)Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong)Black Tower Projects (London)Poetry School (London)LVDB Books (Osaka)Goswell Road (Paris)Shimmer (Rotterdam)The Lab (San Francisco)twelvebooks (Tokyo)Utrecht (Tokyo)FLUC (Vienna)

Jeff Koons 
Colored Balls (Pyramid), 2019 
Available at: Ediciones Originales (Barcelona), Groove (Berlin), Espacio KB (Bogota), Studio of Young Artists' Association and Trafó Gallery (Budapest), Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong), IACK (Kanazawa), MARQUISE (Lisbon), Obszar Wspólny (Łódź), The Cause (London), RUYA MAPS (London), Goswell Road (Paris), amala (Tokyo), Clinic (Tokyo), POST (Tokyo), Utrecht (Tokyo), St. Mungo's (United Kingdom)

Thomas Ruff 
nudes kn30, 2006 
Available at: ExBerliner (Berlin), 254Forest x C12 x Fontainas (Brussels), Gängeviertel (Hamburg), Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong), Micamera (Milan), Thanks for nothing (Paris), Leporello + Fanfulla (Rome), CCA Wattis Institute (San Francisco), amala (Tokyo), Asakusa (Tokyo), Clinic (Tokyo), Daitokai Books (Tokyo), POST (Tokyo)

Wolfgang Tillmans 
I feel safer in the city, 2018 
Inkjet print on cotton paper, 24.1 x 23.5 cm 
Special limited edition only available at: Groove (Berlin)

Luc Tuymans 
Technicolor, 2012 
Available at: Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Amsterdam), ZAM Magazine (Amsterdam), Ediciones Originales (Barcelona), Pioneer Works (Brooklyn), 254Forest x C12 x Fontainas (Brussels), Studio of Young Artists' Association and Trafó Gallery (Budapest), Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong), IACK (Kanazawa), Five Years (London), Cafe Oto (London), Heart N Soul (London), Poetry School (London), Micamera (Milan), LVDB Books (Osaka), Thanks for nothing (Paris), Leporello + Fanfulla (Rome), amala (Tokyo), Asakusa (Tokyo), Clinic (Tokyo), Daitokai Books (Tokyo), POST (Tokyo), Torch Press (Tokyo), twelvebooks (Tokyo)

James Welling 
Julia Mamaea, 2018 
Available at: Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Amsterdam), Studio of Young Artists' Association and Trafó Gallery (Budapest), Cafe Oto (London), Heart N Soul (London), Shimmer (Rotterdam), The Lab (San Francisco), Clinic (Tokyo), twelvebooks (Tokyo), Utrecht (Tokyo)

Cover Image: Wolfgang Tillmans, still life (Bühnenbild), 2020 (detail)

Available at: Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Amsterdam), Athens x Between Bridges: 2020Solidarity (Athens), Ediciones Originales (Barcelona), Das Wetter (Berlin), ExBerliner (Berlin), Espacio KB (Bogota), 254Forest x C12 x Fontainas (Brussels), Studio of Young Artists' Association and Trafó Gallery (Budapest), WHOLE | United Queer Festival (Germany), Gängeviertel (Hamburg), Hong Kong Collective Independent Art Spaces Fundraiser (Hong Kong), IACK (Kanazawa), MARQUISE (Lisbon), Obszar Wspólny (Łódź), Black Tower Projects (London), Block Universe (London), Cafe Oto (London), The Chateau (London), Deeper Into Movies (London), Five Years (London), Heart N Soul (London), HIV i-Base (London), The Horse Hospital (London), Poetry School (London), RUYA MAPS (London), Callen Lorde (New York City), ISCP (New York City), Micamera (Milan), LVDB Books (Osaka), Goswell Road (Paris), Thanks for nothing (Paris), Leporello + Fanfulla (Rome), Shimmer (Rotterdam), amala (Tokyo), Clinic (Tokyo), Daitokai Books (Tokyo), POST (Tokyo), twelvebooks (Tokyo), St. Mungo's (United Kingdom), FLUC (Vienna)