Support Nightlife NYC

A detail from a photograph by Wolfgang Tillmans, titled Resolute Rave, dated 2015.

An Initiative from Wolfgang Tillmans’s foundation Between Bridges

July 2, 2020

As part of the 2020Solidarity project organized by Wolfgang Tillmans’s foundation Between Bridges, Support Nightlife NYC is an initiative to help members of the nightlife community who are threatened by the current public health and economic crisis. 
Thirty-six international artists—including gallery artists Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Marlene Dumas, William Eggleston, Isa Genzken, Jeff Koons, Raymond Pettibon, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Luc Tuymans—have each designed a poster each as a reward for donations. All proceeds will be distributed equally among a select group of New York City nightlife beneficiaries. From there, each nightlife collective will distribute their portions to real people within their networks who have been hit hard by this pandemic. As the campaign states, “Djs, hosts, fashionistas, visual artists, and more are connected to these collectives. This effort is a way to get money into the hands of real people with NYC nightlife who keep NYC alive.’’

Image: Wolfgang Tillmans, Resolute Rave, 2015 (detail)

Support Nightlife NYC