Francis Alÿs to receive the 2023 Wolfgang Hahn Prize

A photograph of Francis Alÿs by Louise Stigsgaard, dated 2022.

Installation view, Francis Alÿs, Children’s Games, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, 2023

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany

Fall 2023

Francis Alÿs has been named the winner of the 2023 Wolfgang Hahn Prize, one of the most prestigious awards for contemporary artists worldwide. The award honors exceptional contemporary artists on an annual basis. The prize money of 100,000 euros goes to the acquisition of a work or group of works by the artist for the collection of the Museum Ludwig. Previous winners of the prize include Frank Bowling, Beye Saar, Haegue Yang, Trisha Donnelly, Kerry James Marshall, Rosemarie Trockel, Isa Genzken, and Raymond Pettibon. 
In response to winning the award, Alÿs said, “I am much honored, and in these polarized times, receiving such an award is significant and invigorating as it makes me feel that there is some coincidence of my own preoccupations and the public’s, and that a dialogue is possible.”