Josef Albers: Pedagogical Experiments

View of Josef Albers’ 1942 work, titled Tenayuca I

Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, Japan

July 2023

From July 29 to November 5, 2023, the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art in Japan is presenting Josef Albers: Pedagogical Experiments. The first ever retrospective of Josef Albers in Japan, this exhibition presents his work with photographs and films of his classes, as well as works by his students, examining his career both as an artist and an educator.

Albers stated that the purpose of his classes was to “open eyes.” He did not simply teach knowledge; he assigned students exercises and encouraged them to think with their hands. He wanted them to discover the new possibilities of color and materials through such investigation. Albers himself continued to explore throughout his life. The result is an astonishingly diverse oeuvre, from the glass works of his Bauhaus period, to furniture and tableware designs, to the painting series “Homage to the Square.”

Learn more at the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art.