Juan Muñoz: At the Violet Hour

Juan Muñoz’s 1986 work Del Borrar

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid

June 2023

June 17, 2023–January 7, 2024 
This exhibition commemorates the 70th year since the birth of the artist Juan Muñoz (Madrid, 1953 – Ibiza, 2001). In recent decades, no other Spanish artist had achieved such international fame, with a dazzling career from his first exhibition in 1984 until his untimely death at the age of 48. The show—which will be a prolongation of the exhibition on view at Alcalá 31 between February and June 2023—will focus on the first ten years of his practice. 
The exhibition hall is caught between reality and fiction or, in other words, it keeps reminding us—like a reflection in a mirror—that reality is no more than a particular mode of representation. Straddling two centuries, Muñoz’s work was an outpost for the speculative shift that now characterizes art in the immediate present. 
Learn more at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo.