Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Photo by Norbert Miguletz

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

February 2022

February 18–May 22, 2022  The act of walking as a social phenom­enon has gained renewed impor­tance in the twenty-first century. The group exhi­bi­tion WALK! provides an overview of walking as a prac­tice in contem­po­rary art produc­tion—a facet that has so far been rarely consid­ered. It exam­ines contem­po­rary explo­rations and expan­sions of Walking Art, which had its origins in the 1960s move­ments of mini­malism, land art, and concep­tual art.  The SCHIRN presents more than forty inter­na­tional artists whose work incor­po­rates walking as an essen­tial element. Some one hundred photographs, video works, collages, draw­ings, paint­ings, and sculp­tures, as well as live perfor­mances and partic­i­pa­tory projects in public space aesthet­i­cally inter­twine walking with the chal­lenges of our time, reflect on current debates around issues such as glob­al­iza­tion and climate change and explore forms of protest and demon­stra­tion.  Learn more at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.