Andra Ursuţa Selected for the Fourth Plinth Commission

Andra Ursuța, Untitled, 2024. Photo by James O Jenkins

Trafalgar Square, London

Opening in 2028

The Fourth Plinth Commissioning Group, chaired by EkowEshun, has selected Andra Ursuța’s sculpture Untitled (2024) to be installed on the Fourth Plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square in 2028 through 2030.

The Fourth Plinth is one of the most important art commissions worldwide, putting new work by internationally renowned artists into the heart of London. This year marks 25 years since the first work was unveiled in 1999, and fourteen works have been displayed on this iconic site to date.

Ursuța stated, “I am touched and humbled by the selection committee’s choice. My work deals with history; history makes sense of us as we try to make sense of it. Trafalgar Square is a place where multiple histories face one another in an open-ended standoff. It will never be finished. This is such a crucial, and beautiful, accident.”

Learn more at the Greater London Authority.