Francis Alÿs: Ricochets

Francis Alys in collaboration with Rafael Ortega, Julien Devaux, and Copenhagen Contemporary, Still from Children's Games #34: Appelsindans, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022; 4:06 min

Fundação Serralves, Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto, Portugal

October 17, 2024–March 16, 2025

Francis Alÿs's traveling retrospective, previously on view at the Barbican Centre, London, Ricochets will open at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Fundação Serralves, in Porto, Portugal this fall. Ricochets presents both older and new films, depicting both traditional and lesser-known hand games played by children and adults alike.

Since 1999, Alÿs has recorded children at play in different contexts and environments around the globe. Over the previous two decades, he has traveled around the world to film the critically acclaimed series Children’s Games: from ‘musical chairs’ in Mexico, to ‘leapfrog’ in Iraq, ‘jump rope’ in Hong Kong, and ‘wolf and lamb’ in Afghanistan.