Oscar Murillo: The flooded garden

A detail of an oil painting by Oscar Murillo, titled surge (social cataracts), dated 2022.

Oscar Murillo, surge (social cataracts), 2022 (detail). Photo by Tim Bowditch and Reinis Lismanis

Tate Modern, London

July 2024

July 20-August 26, 2024 
Oscar Murillo will transform the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall into a new installation, The flooded garden. Taking inspiration from Claude Monet’s Water Lilies series and the garden in which he painted them, visitors are invited to paint water and waves onto a monumental wall of canvas, creating a layered, collaborative painting of epic proportions. Ahead of the opening, Murillo will collaborate with others to load blank canvases with words and sentences that reflect individual experiences and concerns. This will form the first layer of the painting, over which the public’s wave-like, gestural brushstrokes will be added to create the flooded garden. Murillo often creates works which bring people together. At Tate Modern, visitors will be invited to get involved in the energizing process of mark-making, creating multiple large-scale collaborative artworks inspired by Murillo’s pieces.

Learn more at the Tate.