Rose Wylie by Juergen Teller

Autre, feature by Jennifer Higgie


Art and life are as inextricably linked as inhaling and exhaling for British figurative painter Rose Wylie.

Her cottage studio in the English countryside is evidence of her prodigious output.

Newspapers, magazines, brushes, sketches-the flotsam and jetsam of a creative life, mirror the frenetic energy of her large-scale, unprimed canvases that are rife with refer-elses from Hollywood movies, art history, lost civilizations, and her own domestic environs. At almost ninety years old, Wylie is more prolific than ever. On the occasion of her first solo exhibition in Los Angeles, CLOSE, not too close, at David Zwirner, novel ist and art critic Jennifer Higgie explores the hidden archetypes and symbolism of her paintings; and Juergen Teller visits her studio in Kent for a picnic lunch and a document of portraits.

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