
A painting by Njideka Akunyili Crosby, titled Cassava Garden, dated 2015.

Installation view, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Cassava Garden, 2015, Soulscapes, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, 2024

Dulwich Picture Gallery, London


February 14–June 2, 2024

Soulscapes is a contemporary retelling of landscape by artists from the African Diaspora. Featuring more than 30 outstanding artworks, the exhibition includes large-scale pieces, a site-specific installation and a new commission by Michaela Yearwood-Dan. The works span painting, photography, film, textile and collage from leading artists including Hurvin Anderson, Phoebe Boswell, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Kimathi Donkor, Isaac Julien, Marcia Michael, Mónica de Miranda and Alberta Whittle.

Learn more at The Dulwich Picture Gallery.