Marcel Dzama: Dancing with the Moon

A drawing by Marcel Dzama, titled It wasn't his favorite dictator that met him at the gates of hell, but Stalin was in his top five (or All dictators are welcome to the lake of fire), dated 2025.

Marcel Dzama, It wasn't his favorite dictator that met him at the gates of hell, but Stalin was in his top five (or All dictators are welcome to the lake of fire), 2025

Pera Museum, Istanbul, Türkiye

March 20–August 17, 2025

Pera Museum is pleased to present Marcel Dzama: Dancing with the Moon, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Turkey.

Curated by Alistair Hicks, the exhibition surveys Marcel Dzama’s unique approach to art making and storytelling, comprising works that address the failures of governance, environmental destruction, and the calamities caused by war.

In dealing with weighty subjects such as wars, the mass destruction of the environment, and the dangers posed by poorly led administration, the artist employs a form of humor that offers a glimpse of hope.

The exhibition features drawings, sculptures and videos, some of which are made in collaboration with Raymond Pettibon.

Learn more at the Pera Museum.